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ZIP KICKER... THE WORLDS BEST CA ACCELERATOR! Zip Kicker forces immediate cure of all cyanoacrylate (CA) super glues. Expands gap filling capacity and solves tough to bond combinations. Big Blaster is our classic tinted bottle with high quality Sprinzer Pump. Foam Safe Kicker is safe on most foam products, expecially when used with Pacer ZAP-OH Foam Safe CA. Great for repairing foam models! Foam Safe Kicker also works on wood at a slower speed than Zip Kicker.
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Note: Ordering an Item does not commit you to the purchase. If you change your mind you can easily remove any item from Your Shopping Cart before you Checkout. Volume Discounts: Pacer (#PAC-) & SuperGlue (#SGC-) Products will be discounted from the RETAIL$ prices shown here depending on the total RETAIL$ value of Pacer (#PAC-) and SuperGlue (SGC-) items purchased. Discount is $150 -10%, $300 -20%, $500 -30% (per pac-prices s006). Subject To Change Without Notice. 20241220 01:23:50